
Below are some CAI-GRIE Member assets on various topics pertaining to legislative issues and CAI-CLAC advocacy. Items will be added as they become available. For all other inquiries, contact the Chapter office by phone at 951-784-8613 or by email at info@CAI-GRIE.org.

The items below are organized by upload date, with the most current item at the top.

2024 CLAC Accomplishments

CAI-CLAC successfully got its slate of three (3) proposed bills enacted into law and worked to get amendments into a fourth bill that will ultimately provide associations with flexibility in addressing emergency repairs to utility lines in common areas. As we move into the 2025 legislative year, CLAC remains committed to monitoring, evaluating, and providing input on legislation affecting community associations.

Learn more about CLAC and the 2024 accomplishments here: CLAC Accomplishments - California Legislative Action Committee - CAI-CLAC

These bills would not have been enacted without help from local Chapter members, including volunteers on the Legislative Support Committee (LSC). LSC members regularly take time to visit with legislators and discuss the benefits and necessity of pending bills. We are grateful to all the legislators that allowed our members to visit them this year, and their being willing to not only listen, but also take action to support and strengthen our communities. We look forward to working closely with them again in 2025. Read more about the legislative visits here: CAI-GRIE Legislative CAI-GRIE Visits - Issuu

As a reminder, the CAI-CLAC 2025 Advocacy Week will be in-person at the Capitol in Sacramento on April 22 – 24, 2025. We hope you will join us in our continued efforts to build stronger California community associations. Learn more about Advocacy Week here: Advocacy Week - California Legislative Action Committee - CAI-CLAC

AB 2114: The “Balcony Bill” Revised

Per SB 326, associations must complete visual inspections of exterior elevated elements (load-bearing balconies, decks, patios, etc.) by no later than January 1, 2025. These inspections, to date, needed to be performed by structural engineers or architects. However, AB 2114 adds to that short list, a “licensed civil engineer” as someone qualified to perform the inspection.

LEGISLATIVE CAI-CLAC Update 2024–2025 Legislative Update: Elections, Elections, Elections (and More!) - Issuu

Read More: Bill Text - AB-2114 Building standards: exterior elevated elements: inspection.

SB 900 - Repairs & Maintenance

This bill expands on the legal obligation of associations to maintain, repair, and replace the association's common areas, or other components required by the governing documents. This bill mandates associations be responsible for repairing and replacing any components necessary to restore interrupted gas, heat, water, or electrical services, if those components begin in the common area, and even if they extend into other areas, such as the unit itself. Under Section 4775 of Civil Code, boards must begin the repair process within 14 days. 

Read More: LEGISLATIVE CAI-CLAC Update 2024–2025 Legislative Update: Elections, Elections, Elections (and More!) - Issuu

Electronic Voting Update

AB 2159, this CAI-CLAC sponsored bill finally puts into law, associations’ right to implement electronic voting, in the place of distributing secret written ballots. Specifically, Civil Code Section 5105 now provides that associations may adopt an election operating rule, to allow owners to either “opt-in” or “opt-out” of electronic voting, as long as certain procedures are followed. If owners opt out under the association’s election rules, they must be given a secret written ballot (per usual), and they must also be provided with individual notice at least 30 days before the deadline to opt out of electronic secret ballot voting.

Read the Article from CAI-GRIE Member - Kevin Langley of HOA Election Guys https://issuu.com/cai-grie/docs/connectmagazine_q4_2024-pf5-121124-singles/s/62949061

Read More: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB2159

Corporate Transparency Act - Update (Again)

Update from December 23rd, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a stay on the injunction previously granted by the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas earlier this month. This ruling reinstated the January 1, 2025, deadline for beneficial ownership information filings under the CTA for all community associations.


On Dec. 3, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas published a decision in the matter of Texas Top Cop Shop, Inc., et al. v. Garland, et al. issuing a preliminary nationwide injunction against the Corporate Transparency Act (Act). The court granted Plaintiff’s request for a preliminary injunction, blocking the U.S. Department of Treasury from enforcing the act’s beneficial ownership information (BOI) reporting requirements.

The court granted Plaintiff’s request for a preliminary injunction, blocking the U.S. Department of Treasury from enforcing the act’s beneficial ownership information reporting requirements.

Read more: https://www.caionline.org/advocacy/advocacy-priorities-overview/corporate-transparency-act/

UPDATE! SB 4D – Building Safety Act for condominium and cooperative association

Florida Lawmakers Pass Condominium Safety Legislation

This week the Florida legislature was in special session and condominium safety was one of three initiatives addressed.  CAI Florida Legislative Alliance is pleased to announce that SB 4D – Building Safety Act for condominium and cooperative associations passed unanimously.



Call to Action!

CAI-CLAC has proposed changes to the CA FAIR Plan to help increase access to insurance coverage and help reduce overall rates. Please join us in showing your support. Email the Insurance Commissioner today!

AB 1410 (Rodriguez) Update

July 29, 2022

Thank you to our community members who engaged with our recent call-to-action to voice your concerns regarding AB 1410. Even though the bill passed the Judiciary Committee yesterday, it was significantly amended. The Code of Conduct and mandatory education language has been deleted from the bill. We view this as a victory and those who voiced their concerns helped make this happen. — CAI-CLAC