Education & Expos

GRIE June 24 Luncheon-2

GRIE June 24 Luncheon-4

GRIE June 24 Luncheon-3

GRIE June 24 Luncheon-8


Education Expo's and Luncheons
For 2024, CAI-GRIE is offering eight (8)  opportunities  for Homeowner Leaders and Managers to further their education and see what the Business Partners have to offer, called Education Luncheons.

Education Luncheons
Education Luncheons on the other hand, begin by offering Managers and Homeowner Leaders the opportunity to experience what the Business Partners have to offer in a more intimate tradeshow setting. Following the tradeshow is a seated lunch where the Managers, Homeowner Leaders AND Business Partners sit together to hear an education presentation.

Two exhibit options are available at an Education Luncheon for Business Partners to choose from including: indoor Table-Top Exhibits and outdoor/patio Table-Top Exhibits.

Space is limited and limits vary per venue.

Online/Virtual Education Courses
The 2020 health crisis forced us to switch the bulk of our in-person education courses into virtual events and we received great feedback from the members about how convenient it was. So, with that feedback in mind, we scheduled the 2021 stand-alone education courses to virtual opportunities, so that we can better serve our members’ individual needs. The feedback we received was extremely positive and we will continue with this format for the foreseeable future.